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Posted by on 2015/04/15 under Uncategorized

Yeah, so around october, my class (In Denmark we have all classes together with the same 30 people in the school our own age until high school) had to get a new teacher for our danish classes. We used to have a s***ty teacher, she was very strict and yelled alot, and also I didn’t get her way of teaching us. So I thought it would be good getting a new teacher. So we got this guy called Nicholai, he just got back to teaching after a bad period of time with lymph cancer. He was extremely lucky to survive that kind of cancer. Well, at first, everyone thought he was really nice, but a kind of scary because his nails were green, and one time he had to put elastics around each finger because his nails were falling off. Yeah, anyway, slowly, I think everybody noticed, especially the girls, that he was a little too “touchy”. He would put his arms around everybody, hit us on our heads, and mainly he would just touch us. And it was super disturbing, nobody liked it, but we didn’t have any evidence to give to our school counselor. And also, in danish class, whenever he has to use an example, it would have something to do with girls, looks or masculine men. And also, when he reads stories from books out loud, he really over does the voices. Like, whenever a guy has a line in a book, he will read it with a dark, masculine voice, and when it is a girl, he will read it with a girly barbie voice, that sounds like she’s being chased by rapists. And once, in handcraft, I forgot to make this stupid hole in the tree, and he was like “Oh Anna Anna Anna, how can you forget+” He laughed and then placed his FREAKING HEAD ON MY BOOB!!! I immediatly moved backwards, and he actually looked like he already forgot how he just put his head on my boob. Also, he always calls the girls nicknames like Shannon Baby, Amanda Panda, Dolly, sweetie, cutiepie, etc. It’s so disgusting, and once, he asked my friend to come up front and answer a question, and when he asked her to turn around a go back to her seat, he took his papers and slapped her ass! Eww! Also, my really hot twinsister, when she walked past him, he whispered behind her “Your ass looks delicious in those jeans” Eww, gross, no, disgusting as f***. A bunch of girls from my class and I are planning to get some evidence and go prove to the school counselor that he can’t get accepted to be the school’s swim teacher. Girls are gonna be in their bikinis. He’s probably going to rape somebody! The other day, we read this story where the name of a porn magazine was mentioned, and then he used around 3 minutes to explain what they put in those magazines. Fine, we got it when you said “it is a porn magazine” no need to make a novel about the content, please. In the story we read, there was gay intentions too, and then he used a really long time to explain how he WASN’T gay and how it was wrong. I hate him, and the only reason I’m happy he didn’t die is because he’s got a wife and kids. No that was mean. I don’t want him to die. and never did.

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